Our harvest event had a constant flow of people and apple juice over the two days. Highlights included:
• A fascinating improvisation session in the Fine Art Gallery with [The Gathering…The Chewing} Gill Whiteley & Geoff Bright (see here for link to soundfile from that session)
• Kazzie the rescued hedgehog making a guest appearance
• The biggest ever number of entries for the Bake Off
• Winning the Bake Off sweet category ! and an Under 12 being the overall winner
• Studio Polpo’s stick construction using hazel wands and recycled bike inner tubes
• An enchanting walk with sticks, sounds & stories
Comments from some other members of the team and attendees on the day:
I just loved seeing all the kids jiving along and bashing their sticks to our music…oh, and the babies being trundled along in their push chairs by loving parents and grandparents. The whole vibe was one of happy togetherness with a touch of that ever so slightly tipsy exuberance of harvest that is such a natural response from we children of our mother earth to the beauties of her bounty.
Absolutely loved every minute of it and hope we get invited back next year. A sweet, sweet day…and not just because of the fabulous apple pies! Bravo for everyone who organised, contributed and took part…and to the university, too, for being generous and brave in daring to do something a bit different.
Geoff, musician
A brilliant platform to promote the plight of the Hedgehogs with such an impressive turnout
Karen, Gardens Team
This event epitomises the meaning of the word ‘Teamwork’
Rachel, Gardens Team
The soup is a 10/10 Mummy. It was even better than the cake.
Red, aged 7
The event has started to become generational. I now see people coming back with their family, their children, their parents and grandparents. Its lovely
Jo Shields
Having taken part in Fruit Routes for the past 3 years, I can genuinely say it’s one of my favourite projects the University hold. When I’ve been promoting it to other students I can honestly say it’s one of the most wholesome events I’ve been part of during my time at Uni. Using the university’s own resources and putting them back into the community and students whilst holding a captivating event epitomises the cooperative and reciprocal culture we strive to produce at Loughborough.
Tom Calcluth, student
As Rachel says – it’s a team effort. A lot of people are involved at the event and behind the scenes, so big thanks to everyone. Enjoy the photos and thanks to Emily Llloyd and Hannah Wilson from School of the Arts for photo-documenting this year.